Thoosa is the Sicilian Sea Nymph of water. Her name has been derived from the Greek root thoos, meaning “swift”, and she is known as the goddess of dangerous and swift currents.

Growing up, I spent a considerable amount of time at the beach. There is a certain stillness that can be achieved in the repetitive pounding of the waves and the following of the currents. I have been paying attention to this process since I was young, far before my artistic career. The idea that the ocean moves on its own unpredictable accord employs an otherworldly powerfulness that has always intrigued me.

Throughout my artistic development and photographic journey I have begun to achieve a stylistic method that had branched into my entire aesthetic. The movement and currents of the ocean have become a key driving factor in my work. The undeniable power and unpredictable temperature of the ocean draws me to capture the movement of the ocean and compels me to continue and push my photographic method.

The pieces I chose for this production emulate the way water currents move though both the photograph itself and the post processing manipulation. Using graphics, designs, shapes and blurs I recreated the shapes and forms that I see in water as the currents take place.

I named this project after Thoosa because I believe her spirit encompasses what the ocean represents to me.

This project is and will always remain unfinished as the ocean does not flow the same way twice. 

Chuck Wheaton | @chuckdoesphotos |


Lukas Wegmüller


Casey Wieber