Nicole Edwards

The subject matter of my artwork is climate change and its consequences for the Arctic. Because of global warming and climate change, the Arctic is currently melting. I use vivid, bright colors in my paintings to show a vibrant landscape that is deteriorating. I want to demonstrate how a stunning location is being destroyed. The amount of Summer Arctic sea ice is decreasing by 13% per ten years, and the ice is still getting thinner. In the western Arctic, the depth of snow ice has decreased by over 33%. Narwhals, polar bears, and walruses are among the creatures that are most dependent on sea ice, and they are at risk due to decreasing thickness and expanse of sea ice as well as changes in the timing of ice melt. Even in Canada’s far North, polar bears might risk hunger and reproductive failure by the year 2100. My goal is to demonstrate the Arctic is being affected by the warm weather. The Arctic’s ice is melting quickly due to warm weather. I urge people to consider the effects of rising temperatures as well as climate change. I want the Arctic to have an emotional impact on them. I want to let people know about this and encourage them to consider how they may contribute.


Elise Coatney


April Marshall